There is funding available from the Ministry of Health (Assistive Devices Program grant) to cover a portion of the cost of your hearing aids. Every resident of Ontario with a valid OHIP card who hasn’t accessed the grant in 5 years is eligible for $500 per hearing aid (there are some exceptions to this, so contact me to learn more).

If you have any private health insurance coverage, most plans provide some benefits for hearing aids. Any portion you pay (out-of-pocket) that is not covered by the ADP grant or private health insurance can be claimed as a medical expense on that year’s income tax preparations. Additionally, some individuals with hearing loss may be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit. Contact me to learn more.

Some individuals may also be eligible for hearing aid benefits through Veterans Affairs Canada, Ontario Works (OW), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). There may be additional supports for low-income individuals by contacting your local municipality.


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